International Directory of RE Providers


This international directory of RE providers is a state-by-state (and foreign country) listing of mental health professionals and lay educators who are either authorized or certified by NIRE to conduct Relationship Enhancement® Therapy or lead the Relationship Enhancement® Program.

Certified RE Therapists have received foundational training and completed one-on-one advanced supervision in RE Therapy. In addition to providing Private or Small Group Counseling utilizing the RE method, these individuals may also conduct RE Couple Workshops and Programs. This certification is listed below the individual’s name in bold.

Certified RE Program Educators have received foundational training and completed one-on-one advanced supervision to conduct RE Couples Workshops and Programs. If appropriately licensed in their state, these individuals may also provide Private or Small Group counseling utilizing the RE method. This certification is listed below the individual’s name in bold.

Therapists and Educators Authorized to Utilize the RE Method have received foundational training either in RE Therapy or as an RE Program Leader/Educator. These individuals are authorized to conduct RE Couple Workshops and Programs. If appropriately licensed in their state, these individuals may also provide private or small group counseling utilizing the RE method. If no certification is listed, then the individual has not received the advanced supervision required for formal certification.

To apply for inclusion in the Directory of RE Providers, please fill out the following application.

Terms of Use
This Directory contains a list of RE providers that is being provided as a service to the community at large. NIRE does not endorse, authenticate, make any representation, or take any responsibility for the actions or non-actions of these RE Providers. You understand and agree that NIRE, its Board and its staff will not, under any circumstances, be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, to you for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with your use of any person listed in this Directory. If you decide to communicate with an RE Provider, you understand, acknowledge, and agree that you do so entirely at your own risk.

International Directory of RE Providers ToS
